Satu lagi pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang berjuang untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai sebuah negara berasaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, Perkara 20, Laporan IGC 1962, Laporan Cobbold 1962

Sabah Negara Ku Merdeka!

Sabah adalah sebuah Negara yang telah mencapai Hari Kemerdekaannya pada 31 Ogos 1963. Kemerdekaan Negara Sabah atau dahulunya dikenali sebagai North Borneo telah diberikan oleh British.

Tiada Masa Untuk Berdiam Kerana Masa Telah Tiba!

Bangsa Negara Sabah khususnya Generasi Muda TIDAK BOLEH lagi memilih untuk berdiam kerana masa dan keadaan kini menuntut penglibatan mereka untuk berjuang bersama-sama dalam mengembalikan Hak Bangsa dan Negara Sabah!

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Friday, October 31, 2014

Meledak Sudah Gerakan People Power

KOTA MARUDU: "Perjuangan ini adalah dari people power: dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, dan untuk rakyat. Perjuangan ini bukan berasaskan parti politik. Oleh sebab itu, jangan bawa parti politik dalam NGO MOSIK," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK).

Sign petition CfSSR di atas motosikal
Menurutnya, parti politik tidak sama dengan maksud politik itu sendiri. Semua aspek kehidupan ada unsur politik. Jika mahu menggunakan saluran parti politik dalam mencapai agenda politik, maka orang berkenaan boleh menggunakan saluran berkenaan. Ini kerana berlambak parti politik di pasaran. Dengan itu, mereka boleh menyertai mana-mana parti politik jika mahu, kerana ada banyak pilihan.

"Jika mahu berjuang untuk Sabah, lakukanlah mengikut kemampuan dan kapasiti masing-masing walaupun cuma dapat berjuang pada skala yang kecil. Dalam MOSIK, untuk mencapai matlamat perjuangan ini, buat masa ini kita tidak menggunakan saluran parti politik, sebab parti politik banyak dengan pelbagai fahaman," katanya, "Kita berjuang dalam perjuangan yang benar, berteraskan kebenaran dan keadilan kerana inilah yang diperlukan."

Kita perlu berjuang memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara dalam Persekutuan Malaysia kerana status Sabah memang negara. Persekutuan Malaysia ditubuhkan berasaskan konsep rakan kongsi sama taraf, entiti berasingan, dan ada individualiti masing-masing, bukan seperti yang ada sekarang kerana ada kezaliman dan penindasan.

"Yang mengikat dan menyatukan kita adalah matlamat perjuangan. MOSIK ialah NGO. Jangan bawa parti politik dalam MOSIK - maksudnya, apa pun political affiliate kita, kita ketepikan dulu. Kita berjuang, sedarkan rakyat mengenai keadaan sebenar, kita beri pendidikan, kita empower generasi muda," katanya.

Kini momentum people power sudah bergerak kuat. Wind of change people power sudah meledak di sana-sini kerana mereka mahu terlibat dalam perubahan.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu
31 Oktober 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Kesengsaraan Rakyat Sabah

KOTA MARUDU: "Setelah sekian lama rakyat Sabah dimiskinkan secara perlahan-lahan oleh regim Malaya melalui usaha mengaut dan mengambil hasil Sabah dengan hanya memberikan sedikit peruntukan pengurusan dan pembangunan kepada Sabah, maka rakyat Sabah dipaksa dan terpaksa menerimanya," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK).

Rakyat Sabah sengsara, tetapi anehnya majoriti rakyat Sabah berasa tidak sengsara kerana kelicikan regim Malaya dan tali barutnya memainkan psikologi orang Sabah supaya menerima apa yang ada.

Keadaan ini menyebabkan rakyat Sabah tidak serius berjuang menuntut hak Sabah seperti mana yang dinyatakan dalam Perkara 20, Laporan Cobbold, Laporan IGC,  Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Majoriti rakyat Sabah bersedia menerima keadaan yang mundur ini dengan rasa kecewa, tetapi tidak sampai ke tahap berani keluar dari zon demikian untuk menuntut hak Sabahan sendiri kerana berasa terikat dengan cengkaman Kuala Lumpur.

Minda majoriti rakyat Sabah dijajah sehingga mereka tidak nampak apa sebenarnya patut mereka miliki dari aspek pembangunan insan, pembangunan ekonomi, pembangunan fizikal hasil daripada kekayaan bumi negara Sabah. Walaupun tidak dinafikan memang terdapat pembangunan fizikal, namun kualiti dan kuantiti yang diadakan itu tidak sepadan dengan hasil yang diambil.

"Negara Sabah kaya. Dianggarkan lebih RM40 bilion setahun dikaut dan dibawa ke Malaya dalam bentuk cukai dan minyak dan gas, tetapi tidak sampai pun 10 peratus daripada hasil itu diperuntukkan untuk pembangunan yang disalurkan ke Sabah," katanya mengajak rakyat Sabah bangkit menentang ketidakadilan ini.

Rakyat Sabah sudah lama sengsara. Oleh sebab itu, rakyat Sabah tanpa mengira kaum dan agama, harus bangkit untuk mendapat hak kemerdekaan. Rakyat Sabah harus tahu bahawa mereka akan mendapat lebih baik daripada apa yang ada sekarang, jika Sabah mempunyai autonomi penuh dalam pentadbiran dan pemerintahan.

"Sabahan harus memerintah sendiri tanpa dominasi Malaya kerana inilah yang dipersetujui semasa Persekutuan Malaysia dibentuk. Tuntutan ini tiada kaitan dengan pemisahan Sabah dari Malaysia. Ini bukan pemisahan. Ini perjuangan menuntut hak Sabah yang telah dinafikan oleh kuasawan regim Malaya," katanya.

Kesengsaraan rakyat Sabah harus dijadikan sebagai alat untuk membangkitkan people power bagi kalangan Sabahan bagi memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination
Kota Marudu
26 Oktober 2014

MOSIK Bernaung di Bawah BHF

KOTA KINABALU: Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK), sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan NGO yang ditubuhkan pada 16 September 2014, sempena hari Malaysia ke-51, kini secara rasminya diterima bernaung di bawah Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF) bermula pada 15 Oktober 2014, sebulan selepas NGO itu ditubuhkan.

Surat rasmi bertarikh 15 Oktober 2014 dengan rujukan DJK/ADUN/15/10/001 sebagai tanda naungan itu ditandatangani oleh YB Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, ADUN Bingkor, merangkap Pengerusi Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF).

Walaupun MOSIK belum lagi berdaftar di bawah ROS, namun MOSIK boleh bergerak tanpa was-was dalam meneruskan matlamat perjuangannya untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai sebuah negara dalam Persekutuan Malaysia, seperti mana persetujuan asal penubuhan Malaysia pada tahun 1963. Hal ini bukan sahaja kerana MOSIK ditubuhkan selaras dengan Perkara 10 (1), Perlembagaan Persekutuan, iaitu:

Tertakluk kepada Fasal (2), (3) dan (4) – 
(a) tiap-tiap warganegara berhak kepada kebebasan bercakap dan bersuara; 
(b) semua warganegara berhak untuk berhimpun secara aman dan tanpa senjata; 
(c) semua warganegara berhak untuk membentuk persatuan.

tetapi juga kerana MOSIK bernaung di bawah BHF - satu organisasi berdaftar dengan pihak yang berkenaan.

"Perlu difahami dengan jelas bahawa perjuangan MOSIK untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara bukan bererti memisahkan Sabah dari Persekutuaan Malaysia, tetapi sebaliknya mengukuhkan kedudukan Persekutuan Malaysia yang terdiri daripada tiga negara anggota (selepas Singapura disingkirkan pada 9 Ogos 1965), iaitu Malaya, Sabah, dan Sarawak," kata Jebon Janaun,  bekas Penolong Pengarah Pelajaran / Guru selaku Presiden yang telah meletakkan jawatan sebagai penjawat awam untuk berjuang memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara. 

Menurut perjanjian Malaysia 1963, status Sabah dan Sarawak itu merupakan negara tetapi telah diturunkan tarafnya jadi negeri setaraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya pada 27 Ogos 1976, melalui pindaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang diluluskan Parlimen Malaysia.

MOSIK bekerjasama sepenuhnya dengan BHF dan mana-mana NGO yang bernaung di bawahnya selain mana-mana NGO yang mempunyai matlamat perjuangan yang sama.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
27 Oktober 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak: Rakan Kongsi Sama Rata, Sama Taraf

KOTA MARUDU: "Tahukah anda bahawa Tuhan memberi kita siang dan malam, Tuhan memberi kita terang dan gelap? Semuanya kerana Tuhan mahu kita merasa keajaiban-Nya. Jangan hanya mahu terang dan mengenepikan yang gelap, begitu juga sebaliknya," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK), seorang mantan penjawat awam, yang melepaskan jawatannya untuk menjadi aktivis masyarakat, walaupun berdepan pelbagai cabaran.

Menurutnya, perjuangan ini mengajar kita erti ketabahan. Namun, ketabahan itu ada hasil dan impaknya. Jika perjuangan itu mudah, anda tidak akan tahu betapa berharganya setiap masa dan ketika untuk berjuang. Apakah perjuangan yang dikatakannya itu? Perjuangan itu ialah memastikan perjanjian asal penubuhan Malaysia dipatuhi, iaitu Malaya, Sabah, dan Sarawak merupakan negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat yang bergabung bersama membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia. 

"Negara-negara ini merupakan rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata dalam Persekutuan Malaysia. Tetapi, Sabah dan Sarawak diturunkan statusnya sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya. Perbuatan ini tidak wajar dan perlu dibetulkan. Tidak ada sebab mengapa Persekutuan Malaysia tidak boleh distrukturkan semula," katanya. Beliau mengalami kecacatan anggota kaki kiri semasa umurnya 14 tahun kerana kemalangan jalan raya. Kini beliau mengajak agar Sabahan dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia berjuang untuk menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran seperti mana yang termaktub dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, Perkara 20, Laporan IGC, dan Laporan Cobbold, selain Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Seorang warga emas
menjelaskan kepentingan petition 
Kini pelbagai lapisan masyarakat turut bersama dalam perjuangan murni ini. Malah warga emas pun gigih berjuang untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara kerana itulah yang benar bagi Persekutuan Malaysia. Jika warga emas menggunakan sisa-sisa hidupnya untuk berjuang, kenapakah tidak anak muda? Anak muda perlu tandatangan dua petition ke PBB, iaitu petition mendapatkan hak Sabah dan Sarawak dan petition untuk self-determination.

"Berjuanglah dengan iman, dengan hati yang tulus dan jujur, dengan minda yang terbuka. Tembuni saya ini ditanam di bumi negara Sabah ini! Saya akan tetap mati dan dikuburkan di bumi Sabah ini! Sama ada saya mati esok atau lusa atau tulat, saya mahu mati untuk negara Sabah. Ya, Pulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara!" katanya mengajak semua yang berkemampuan untuk berjuang bagi mendapat keadilan dan memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu 
24 Oktober 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Anak Muda Berani Menuntut Hak dan Self-Determination

KOTA KINABALU: Anak muda (Gen-Y) kini berani dan lantang bersuara menuntut hak dan self-determination untuk Sabah dan Sarawak selepas mengetahui kebenaran sejarah kenegaraan Sabah dan Sarawak. Tiada yang dapat menghalang gerakan ini sekalipun rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak berdepan ancaman, ugutan, dan bermacam cabaran dan halangan daripada pihak kuasawan dalam memastikan perjuangan murni ini mencapai kejayaan. 

Bagi Sabah, perjuangan ini adalah untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara dalam Persekutuan Malaysia seperti mana persetujuan asal penubuhan Malaysia. Perjuangan ini bukan untuk memisahkan Sabah daripada Persekutuan Malaysia, tetapi sebaliknya berjuang supaya persetujuan asal penubuhan Malaysia dipatuhi. 

Tiada yang salah dalam perjuangan ini, malah jika perjuangan ini dipatuhi oleh regim Malaya yang selama ini tidak menghargai dan menghormati dan melaksanakan semangat, terma dan syarat perjanjian Malaysia, sudah pasti Persekutuan Malaysia akan bertambah maju dan makmur, dengan rakyatnya saling bersatu hati dengan aman dan damai, tanpa prejudis kaum, agama, dan wilayah.

Persetujuan asal penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia ialah setiap negara anggota yang menandatangani perjanjian Malaysia (iaitu Malaya, Singapura (kemudian disingkirkan pada 9 Ogos 1965), Sarawak, dan Sabah merupakan:
Generasi Y
a. Rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata dalam Persekutuan Malaysia;
b. Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak merupakan entiti yang berasingan dan berkerajaan sendiri 
c. Malaya, Sabah, dan Sarawak mempunyai individualiti dalam pelaksanaan pemerintahan dan pentadbiran masing-masing
d. Negara-negara anggota bekerjasama dari segi politik, ekonomi, dan sosial.

Tiada sebab mengapa perjuangan murni ini tidak berjaya dicapai untuk membentuk Malaysia yang sebenar. Walaupun sudah 51 tahun wujudnya Malaysia yang songsang, iaitu persetujuan asal perjanjian Malaysia tidak dihormati dan dipatuhi, namun Malaysia yang sebenar boleh dipulihkan.  Memandangkan regim Malaya sehingga kini tidak mendengar dan melaksanakan semangat, terma dan syarat perjanjian Malaysia, maka rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak tidak dapat berdiam diri lagi. Bagi Gen-Y yang sudah berumur 16 tahun ke atas, mereka boleh menandatangani kedua-dua petition, iaitu:

a. Call for Sabah Sarawak Rights

b. Peoples' Petition to United Nations to Seek for Self-Determination for Sarawak and Sabah

Petition ini amat penting untuk membolehkan tuntutan hak dan hasrat menentukan nasib sendiri oleh Sabahan dan Sarawakian didengar di PBB. Sehubungan itu, marilah kita semua yang bersetuju dengan petition ini menandatanganinya.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu
23 Oktober 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mendirikan Semula Negara Sabah Sarawak

KOTA MARUDU: "Persekutuan Malaysia wujud atas persetujuan dan perjanjian bahawa setiap negara anggota bekerjasama dari segi politik, ekonomi, dan sosial. Setiap negara ini mempunyai entiti masing-masing. Negara ini mempunyai individualiti. Inilah yang dinamakan konfiderasi," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK), sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang berjuang untuk memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara dalam Persekutuan Malaysia serta menuntut hak-hak Sabahan.

2. Semasa perjanjian Malaysia ditandatangani pada 9 Julai 1963, hanya Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang merdeka (31/8/1957), sementara Sarawak dan Borneo Utara (Sabah) masih jadi tanah jajahan atau koloni British, manakala Singapura pula separa tanah jajahan kerana 3 Jun 1959 Singapura mencapai status berkerajaan sendiri.

3. Borneo Utara (Sabah) mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31/8/1963 Sarawak pula merdeka pada 22/7/1963. Dengan merdekanya kedua-dua wilayah Borneo ini, maka sahlah negara ini menjadi negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat.

4. Perjanjian Malaysia merupakan perjanjian antarabangsa (international treaties) yang ditandatangani oleh negara merdeka dan berdaulat, sepatutnya perjanjian itu ditandatangani semula selepas kedua-dua negara Borneo itu mencapai kemerdekaan, tetapi itu tidak dilaksanakan.

5. Apabila Perjanjian Malaysia itu tidak ditandatangani semula, timbul isu perjanjian tersebut tidak konsisten dengan peraturan antatabangsa. Jika ini berlaku, maka perjanjian tersebut tidak sah.

6. Ketika proklamasi Malaysia pada 16 September 1963 diisytiharkan, didapati bahawa konsep konfiderasi seperti yang dipersetujui lebih awal telah bertukar menjadi federasi, iaitu Singapura, Sarawak, Borneo Utara (Sabah) disekutukan dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu untuk membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia. Ini tidak konsisten dengan persetujuan asal.

7. Apabila Proklamasi Malaysia 16 September 1963 tidak konsisten dengan persetujuan asal, maka ini menimbulkan implikasi Sabah dan Sarawak sebenarnya ditipu apabila proklamasi Malaysia tidak konsisten dengan apa yang dipersetujui, iaitu daripada konfiderasi kepada federasi.

8. Perjanjian Malaysia 9/7/1963 tidak dipatuhi seterusnya apabila Singapura disingkirkan pada 9/8/1965 tanpa melibatkan perundingan dengan Sabah dan Sarawak.

9. Perlembagaan Persekutuan tidak konsisten dengan perjanjian Malaysia 9/7/1963, walaupun Perlembagaan Persekutuan dipinda tetapi terma dan syarat perjanjian Malaysia tidak dipinda kerana perjanjian itu didaftarkan di PBB. Ini bermakna sekiranya regim Malaya masih tidak menghormati dan mematuhi persetujuan asal, Sabah dan Sarawak tidak ada cara lain untuk memulihkan keadaan, selain mendapatkan keadilan antarabangsa.

10. Awal bagi proses mendapat keadilan antarabangsa itu ialah mendapat perhatian PBB melalui petisyen di PBB. Kini perjuangan ini maju setapak lagi apabila 2 petisyen sudah diterima PBB, iaitu:
a. Call for Sabah Sarawak Rights
b. People's Petition to United Nations to Seek Self-Determination for Sabah and Sarawak.

11. Petisyen ini harus berjaya didengar oleh PBB. Petisyen langkah terbaik untuk mendesak regim Malaya menghormati dan melaksanakan terma dan syarat penubuhan Malaysia.

12. Berdasarkan situasi ini negara Sabah dan Sarawak boleh dipulihkan (restore) semula. Mari kita teruskan perjuangan yang benar ini. Nelson Mandela pernah berkata, "It always seem impossible until is done.'

13. Lambat atau cepat, Persekutuan Malaysia harus distrukturkan semula dengan kembali kepada persetujuan asal, iaitu dengan memulihkan status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara. Ini bermakna dalam Persekutuan Malaysia itu ada tiga negara, iaitu negara Malaya, negara Sarawak, dan negara Sabah.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu
22 Oktober 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gabungan NGO Desak Kerajaan Bentangkan Laporan Dapatan RCI Mengenai Masalah PTI di Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Gabungan NGO Sabah mendesak kerajaan membentangkan Laporan Dapatan RCI bagi masalah pendatang tanpa izin di Sabah dengan segera. Sehingga kini Kerajaan belum lagi membentangkan dapatan berkenaan walaupun Laporan RCI tersebut sudah diserahkan kepada Kerajaan.

Datuk Rahman Dahlan dalam jawapannya semasa sesi soal jawab forum rakyat di Kota Kinabalu baru-baru ini menjelaskan bahawa Kerajaan akan membentangkan Laporan RCI berkenaan semasa persidangan Parlimen yang sedang berlangsung.

"Namun semakan kita di Parlimen mengenai hal ini mendapati bahawa tiada sesi pembentangan untuk Laporan RCI itu disebut, " kata Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing, semasa mempengerusikan sesi pemurnian Memorandum Meminta Kerajaan Membentangkan Laporan RCI Mengenai Masalah Pendatang Tanpa Izin di Sabah di Ibu Pejabat APS, Kolombong pada 20 Oktober lalu.

Satu sidang akhbar (press conference) akan diadakan dalam masa yang terdekat mengenai desakan itu dan seterusnya akan menyerahkan memorandum itu kepada pihak yang berkenaan. Sidang akhbar itu akan dihadiri bersama oleh YB Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan dan Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing.

Will Sabah Umno BN Leaders Come Out of Hiding? – Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU: “Kudos to Datuk Ghafur Salleh for his lone and sober voice and advice to Putrajaya to listen to the grouses of the people instead of threatening them with arrest.  It certain put to shame another federal Minister from Umno Sabah and other BN leaders who have parroted Malayan federal leaders in threatening Sabahans and Sarawakians with arrest for voicing out the rights of the Borneo States” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in supporting Datuk Ghafur’s call to Putrajaya to listen to grievances of the people.

Datuk Ghafur was spot on in saying that there is basis in the grievances arising from the unfair treatment of Sabah and Sarawak by the federal government.

Sabah in particular need more leaders like him to say the truth about the injustices inflicted on Sabah by the federal government.

There is no room for federal Ministers from Malaya and Sabah to act like gangsters threatening the ordinary people in the streets that just want fairness for Sabah and for Sabah’s rights to be respected and fulfilled.

There is also no room for federal Ministers from Malaya and Sabah to twist the security situation in Sabah and infer that only the Barisan Nasional can guarantee Sabah’s security.  It is the responsibility and moral obligation of the federal government to provide security and fulfil their promise of security.

The insecurity and lack of security in Sabah is caused none other than the Umno-led federal government in creating a monster through Project IC and the arming and training of militants.  It is these militants that are now back biting the very hand that funded and armed them.  

Project IC is still being copied through the issuance of dubious MyKads and ICs to Bugis, Pakistanis and Indian muslims, creating another monster and time-bomb.

In any law-abiding government, such perpetuators would have hanged or shot for treason and for selling out their country.

Unfortunately, until before Datuk Ghafur spoke, none of the Sabah Umno/BN leaders have had the guts to voice it publicly that Sabah has been wronged by the federal government and that there are genuine injustices to be addressed.

Injustice in Sabah being pulled into formation of Malaysia to solve Malaya’s and Singapore’s problems and then left hanging with nothing other than its dwindling dignity and 5% of its oil resources.   Injustices caused by the deliberate and intentional distortion of history and the formation of Malaysia.  Injustices in being down-graded from an equal partner to be the 12th State of Malaya masquerading as Malaysia and being controlled and exploited as a colony. 

Injustices in the taking of Sabah’s rich resources to fund and finance the development of Malaya and leaving Sabah undeveloped and under-developed and as the poorest in the nation.  Injustices in the people re-engineering and reverse ethnic cleansing with foreigners outnumbering genuine locals and giving away the political franchise in the process with foreigners as voters for hire and out-voting locals.

The Sabah Umno/BN leaders right down from the federal Ministers from Sabah and the Chief Minister are fully aware of the injustices and have only been whispering about them in private and behind closed doors. 
Now that Datuk Ghafur has open the door and flood-gates, these Sabah Umno/BN leaders should now stand up to Putrajaya and speak in unison for the restoration of Sabah rights.   The time has come for them to show that they are patriots not only of Sabah but also of Malaysia as their continued silence can lead to the disintegration and break-up.   Time to show that they are true patriots and not traitorous parrots repeating their political masters in Putrajaya.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan

Chairman, STAR Sabah / President BHF
18 October 2014

Exempt Sabah Sarawak from GST or Return 40% of Revenues Collected - Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU: “There are more than sufficient reasons to exempt Sabah and Sarawak from GST.  If the federal government insists on collecting GST, then it should return 40% of the GST revenues collected from Sabah and Sarawak in accordance with the Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in reference to the imposition and collection of GST and non-exemption of GST for the Borneo States.

It seems very obvious that the PM cum Finance Minister and the federal government have no regard for the Federal Constitution and the laws of Malaysia and do not care for the welfare and well-being of Sabahans and Sarawakians as far as the Budget on GST is concerned.

It is clearly spelt out in Article 95B(3) of the Federal Constitution that sales tax, which includes the GST, is deemed to be a matter under the State List under the Ninth Schedule and not under the Federal List. 

In Point No. 11 of the 20-Points, Sabah was to have control of its own finance, tariffs and development funds. Under Item 2(1) of the Tenth Schedule in the Federal Constitution, Sabah is entitled to two-fifths (40%) of the net revenue collected from Sabah.

Whatever the federal and Sabah ministers say and lie about GST bringing down prices or the people won’t be affected, Budget 2015 confirms that an additional RM9.4 billion will be raised from the GST projected at RM23.2 billion.  This RM9.4 billion is going to be coming out of the people’s pockets in 2015 starting 1st April besides having to bear higher costs of living caused by the knock-on effect of the GST.

There are no two ways about it.   The federal government should stop “stealing” money from Sabahans and Sarawakians through the GST.   It is not acceptable for GST to be imposed after the “theft” of 95% of its oil revenues. The federal and Sabah governments need to work towards a plan to secure exemption of GST in Sabah and Sarawak.

If the federal government is still adamant on collecting GST from Sabah, then it must return 40% of the net collections to the Sabah government under the Tenth Schedule. And the Sabah government should use this 40% to benefit Sabahans who are already suffering due to higher costs, partly due to the cabotage policy, lower minimum wages and lack of economic opportunities, the latest being the plan by Umno-linked companies taking charge of the Pan Borneo Highway and further depriving Sabah contractors.

If the federal government can choose to ignore the Federal Constitution, it cannot be trusted to treat Sabah equally and fairly.   The GST adds another reason for Sabahans and Sarawakians to re-consider their position in Malaysia.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah / BHF President
19 October 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Perhimpunan Aman Rakyat Sabah Sengsara (PARAS)

KOTA MARUDU: Suara rakyat perlu didengar oleh pihak berkuasa. Penderitaan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak ekoran dasar kabotaj yang menyebabkan harga barang dan perkhidmatan amat jauh bezanya antara Sabah, Sarawak dengan Malaya serta kurangnya perindustrian dan perkilangan di Sabah dan Sarawak perlu disuarakan oleh rakyat. 

Gambar hiasan
Misalnya, rakyat Sabah merintih dengan penurunan harga getah dan kenaikan harga barang yang melonjak tinggi, membawa kesengsaraan yang berpanjangan. Sampai bila Sabahan dan Sarawakian diperlakukan secara tidak adil menerusi pelaksanaan dasar regim Malaya yang hanya menguntungkan Malaya dan menyebabkan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak terus menderita sengsara? Sabahan dan Sarawakian harus bangkit menyuarakan hal ini.

Sehubungan itu, rakyat yang tertindas dan menderita ini mencadangkan kepada saya untuk mengadakan Perhimpunan Aman. Saya bersetuju dengan perhimpunan aman ini yang akan diadakan seperti berikut:

Perhimpunan Aman Rakyat Sabah Sengsara (PARAS)*
Tarikh: 29 Oktober 2014 (Rabu)
Masa: Pukul 2.00 Petang
Tempat: Kg. Pinatau, Kota Marudu*

* PARAS akan diteruskan 
* Tempat-tempat lain boleh diadakan mengikut kerelaan. Ambil gambar. Bergambar bersama sepanduk, atau kad manila.

People power perlu digerakkan. Kini masanya sudah tiba, kebangkitan people power di seluruh negara Sabah! Kita mahu lihat sejauh mana pihak berkuasa serius menyelesaikan masalah rakyat. Mari kita lihat siapa yang ingin bersama dalam perhimpunan aman ini, baik di lokasi yang dicadangkan, mahupun di lokasi masing-masing.

Sekretariat MOSIK
20 Oktober 2014
Kota Marudu

Tiada Sebab Mengapa Status Sabah Sarawak sebagai Negara Tidak Boleh Dipulihkan

KOTA MARUDU: "Tiada sebab dan alasan mengapa status Sabah Sarawak sebagai negara tidak boleh dipulihkan walaupun sudah 51 tahun penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia. Jika regim Malaya mengambilnya, Sabahan dan Sarawakian berhak mendapatnya semula," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK) dalam satu kenyataan. 

Menurutnya, jika regim Malaya sebelum ini telah menurunkan status Sabah dan Sarawak daripada sebuah negara kepada sebuah negeri yang sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya, status itu perlu dipulihkan semula sesuai dengan persetujuan dan persefahaman asal. Persekutuan Malaysia dianggotai empat negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat, iaitu Persekutuan Tanah Melayu atau Malaya, Singapura, Borneo Utara (Sabah) dan Sarawak yang telah diisytiharkan pada 16 September 1963, namun Singapura kemudiannya disingkirkan pada 9 Ogos 1965.

Namun, status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlahan-lahan diturunkan sehingga akhirnya telah diturunkan sepenuhnya pada 27 Ogos 1976, apabila berlaku pindaan terhadap Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang meletakkan Sabah dan Sarawak sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya. 

"Ini tidak patut dan amat tidak wajar kerana persetujuan penubuhan Malaysia tidak dipatuhi. Maknanya, Perjanjian Malaysia itu tidak dihormati dan dilaksanakan oleh regim Malaya. Oleh sebab itu, status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlu dipulihkan oleh people power," katanya meminta supaya Persekutuan Malaysia yang ada sekarang distrukturkan semula mengikut terma dan syarat persetujuan asal.

Status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu itu amat penting kerana dengan adanya status itu, Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya (selepas Singapura disingkirkan) merupakan rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata serta mempunyai entiti yang berasingan dalam Persekutuan Malaysia. 

"Status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara itu perlu dipulihkan untuk membolehkan Sabah dan Sarawak berkerajaan sendiri atau berautonomi penuh dalam pemerintahan dan pentadbiran, selain menguruskan hal-ehwal ekonomi, " katanya dengan menegaskan bahawa tiada sebab mengapa perjanjian penubuhan Malaysia 1963 tidak boleh dihormati, dihargai, dan dipatuhi jika ingin Persekutuan Malaysia diteruskan. 

Menurutnya, ancaman, ugutan, ataupun tirai besi tidak akan menghalang dan mematahkan perjuangan ini kerana perjuangan ini benar dan berlandaskan kebenaran. Sama ada cepat atau lambat Sabahan dan Sarawakian lambat menerima kebenaran bahawa Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya rakan kongsi sama taraf serta entiti yang berasingan dalam Persekutuan Malaysia, namun pada akhirnya perjuangan ini akhirnya akan mencapai kemenangan.

Jebon Janaun
Presiden Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)
Kota Marudu 
20 Oktober 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pertemuan Bermakna dan Bersejarah

KOTA KINABALU: Bersama Sdr. Al Azahari Siddiq Hj. Kamuri dari Putrajaya semalam (17/10/2014) di Kota Kinabalu. Banyak perkara yang dibangkitkan dalam pertemuan sekitar sejam itu.

Sebagai kakitangan penting dari Putrajaya, banyak perkara yang ingin diketahuinya mengenai perjuangan nasionalis Sabah, perjuangan MOSIK, isu sekarang yang hangat dibincang, khususnya suara memisahkan Sabah dari Malaysia.

Katanya, ramai pihak, khususnya di Semenanjung yang tidak faham, salah faham, dan tidak tahu maksud sebenar perjuangan memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara. Mereka ingat itu bawa Sabah keluar Malaysia.

"Mujurlah pertemuan ini memberikan pencerahan kepada isu ini," kata Azahari.

Saya tegaskan bahawa perjuangan MOSIK adalah untuk memulihkan status negara Sabah dalam Persekutuan Malaysia, bukan membawa Sabah berpisah dari Malaysia. Suara Sabahan Sarawakian harus didengar. Hak Sabah dan Sarawak harus dikembalikan.

"Saya akan membuat laporan mengenai hal ini untuk diserahkan kep
ada Datuk," katanya.

Saya juga katakan kepadanya, "Sampaikan kepada Datuk Najib, gerakan ini datang dari people power. Ia bukan dipaksa. Ia lahir dari kesedaran tentang kebenaran. Jika Najib bijak mendengar suara ini, dan menunaikannya, Najib akan bertambah kuat. Ingat hanya Sabah dan Sarawak yang memungkinkan dia berkuasa," kata saya mengakhiri pertemuan bermakna dan bersejarah itu.

Terima kasih, Sdr. Al Azahari.

Sekretariat MOSIK
Kota Marudu
18 Oktober 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Memulihkan Status Sabah Sebagai Negara

KOTA MARUDU: "Matlamat perjuangan utama Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK) ialah memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara," kata Jebon Janaun, Presiden MOSIK. Hal ini demikian kerana, ketika Persekutuan Malaysia ditubuhkan pada tahun 1963, status Sabah dan Sarawak adalah negara tetapi telah diturunkan tarafnya sebagai negeri, iaitu sama taraf dengan negeri-negeri di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, pada 27 Ogos 1976 

Menurut beliau, perjuangan ini bukan hanya diperjuangkan oleh MOSIK sahaja, tetapi perjuangan NGO dan nasionalis Sabah yang lain, dan kerana itu MOSIK akan bekerjasama dengan mana-mana NGO yang memperjuangkan matlamat yang sama supaya matlamat ini akan berjaya dicapai suatu hari nanti.

Beliau menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini dalam konteks Sabah supaya status Sabah sebagai negara difahami agar langkah-langkah untuk mencapai matlamat itu akan dapat dilaksanakan. Beliau menjelaskan sepintas lalu apakah maksudnya memulihkan status Sabah sebagai negara, sesuai dengan pendirian MOSIK. 

Maksud Memulihkan Status Sabah Sebagai Negara

Maksudnya ialah:
  1. Sabah, Sarawak, dan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu atau Malaya merupakan rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.
  2. Sabah, Sarawak bukan rakan kongsi sama taraf dan sama rata dengan Selangor, Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Melaka, dan Johor dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.
  3. Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya merupakan entiti yang berasingan antara satu sama lain tetapi saling bekerjasama dari segi politik, ekonomi, dan sosial dalam Persekutuan Malaysia.
  4. Sabah, Sarawak, dan Malaya masing-masing ada individualitinya sendiri dari segi sistem pentadbiran, pemerintahan, polisi ekonomi, dan sebagainya tanpa sebarang gangguan kuasa luar. Tetapi terdapat bidang kuasa yang jelas antara Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia dengan kerajaan negara yang menganggotainya.
  5. Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai kuasa autonomi sepenuhnya dalam pemerintahan, pentadbiran, pengurusan ekonomi, hal-ehwal dalam negara, imigresen, pendaftaran, pendidikan, dan sebagainya. Ini bererti Sabah dan Sarawak berkerajaan sendiri dalam erti kata yang sebenar.

Rakyat Sabah tandatangan petition
Menurutnya, perjuangan ini benar kerana itulah status Sabah dan Sarawak dan Malaya dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963. Perjuangan ini akan diteruskan walaupun menemui pelbagai cabaran kerana tindakan pihak kuasawan yang tidak menghormati dan mematuhi Perjanjian Malaysia. 

Untuk memulihkan status Sabah dan Sarawak sebagai negara, pelbagai langkah perlu diambil. Menurutnya lagi, pada masa sekarang, kita perlu memberi kesedaran kepada rakyat agar bersatu mendapatkan hak Sabah dan Sarawak sesuai dengan perjanjian. Memandangkan pihak berkuasa masih tidak peduli mengenai hal ini, maka tindakan seterusnya ialah kita perlu meminta keadilan antarabangsa melalui petition dan membawa masalah ketidakpatuhan terhadap Perjanjian Malaysia ini di Mahkamah Antarabangsa. Namun, semua ini perlu dilakukan secara berperingkat dan teratur kerana bukan mudah dilaksanakan. 

Sehubungan itu, Sabahan dan Sarawakian masing-masing harus bersatu dan berjuang melalui people power untuk menang dalam perjuangan ini. Usaha ini penting untuk menyelamatkan dan mewujudkan Persekutuan Malaysia yang sebenar. Kita harus menjunjung kebenaran dan keadilan dalam membina Persekutuan Malaysia yang sebenar.

Jebon Janaun
Momogun Movement for Self-Determination (MOSIK)

14 Oktober 2014

“Look Beyond ESSCOM for Sabah Security – Dr. Jeffrey”

Kota Kinabalu:    “The PM and the federal government should stop kidding themselves and stop pulling wool over Sabahans’ eyes on the security of Sabah.   ESSCOM is not a long-term solution to Sabah’s security and the RM660 million Budget allocation does not seriously reduce the security threats against Sabah" said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the ESSCOM Budget.

The building of 2 camps and additional 1,280 personnel is perhaps the only addition to ESSCOM’s capability.  The emoluments and operating costs of the 1,280 personnel would probably only cost less than RM40-RM50 million ringgit.  

Minus this additional cost and the cost of the 2 camps, the bulk of the RM660 million would actually be emoluments and operating costs of the existing security personnel.   This is essentially paper shuffling of costs from their original bases to their ESSCOM bases in Sabah.  It is nothing new in this portion of the Budget allocation for ESSCOM.

Nevertheless, just putting up camps and additional security personnel is mere policing and not preventive enough to reduce security threats.

Similarly, imposing night to dawn curfew is a policing measure which has both pro and con.  It is not just only advantageous as pointed out by the authorities.  For example, it is a hindrance to the fishing and tourism industries and has an impact on Sabah’s economy.

ESSCOM or the overall security strategy for Sabah must incorporate and cover comprehensive and wide measures to protect Sabah.

High on the priority list must be a genuine solution to the illegal immigrants and the monster created by Project IC.  This monster and disease has already spread to the Peninsula as can be seen from the arrests of fake Sabah ICs of security guards, taxi drivers and others in the Peninsula. 

The wanton and dubious issuance of ICs and MyKads to foreigners must stop totally.    Based on reliable sources, while there may be a reduction of new ICs for Filipinos, it has increased for Bugis and Indonesians, Indians and Pakistanis.   Even a Bugis and Indian NGO are reportedly involved in assisting newcomers to obtain MyKads and recruiting them as Umno members and voters for hire.

If the track record of the Filipino Project IC holders is a yardstick, the new Bugis and Indonesians are ticking time-bombs.   It is only a matter of time before these new Malaysians recruited for political purposes explode with their own brand of problems, including the risk of imported IS militancy.   If the Defence Minister is to be believed, there is also the threat of IS militancy from these foreigners.

The threats is not just cross-border kidnappings for ransom, made worse by the authorities paying huge and handsome ransoms for release of the victims.   It has become a lucrative business with the kidnapping route a one-way route to their neigbouring country hideouts as those responsible are already enemies within with Malaysian ICs.

Therefore, there must be a concerted effort and additional measures to safeguard Sabah’s security in the long-term.    Some of these measures should include a Sabah IC and non-residents IC and Sabah’s own Homeland Security set-up.   Not to be excluded should be national and regional efforts to involve all groups not just regional factions like the Bangsa Moro Peace Framework and to develop the local economies of neighbouring countries bordering Sabah.  

With development and improving economies and security, their nationals will be minded to stay in the home countries rather than venture across the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas to find work in Sabah.   These measures will make Sabah safer and eventually there will be no necessity for ESSCOM.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah
14 October 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Send the Pan Borneo Highway Budget Allocation to Sabah Sarawak – Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “At a quick glance, it would appear that Budget 2015 provided RM27 billion for the 1,663 km Pan Borneo Highway.  However, on a closer look, it is misleading as the federal government only intends to start construction and that the total project would cost RM27 billion but there is no budget allocation for the Highway” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on the Pan Borneo Highway which almost everyone is fooled.

The biggest who got fooled are the Sabah and Sarawak BN leaders who have jumped on the bandwagon thanking PM Najib for allocating RM27 billion for the Pan Borneo Highway when it is clearly not so.

Unfortunately, they have to pinch themselves that it is only in their dreams that the RM
27 billion has been allocated.  It is not inside the RM50.5 billion development expenditure as 7 infrastructure projects in Malaya have taken up RM48.25 billion, at stated at item 51 of the Budget speech, namely:-

             51.   In 2015, several infrastructure projects will be implemented:

First: Construction of the 59-km Sungai Besi – Ulu Klang Expressway (SUKE) at a total construction cost of RM5.3 billion;

Second: Construction of the 276-km West Coast Expressway from Taiping to Banting at a total construction cost of RM5 billion;

Third: Construction of the 47-km Damansara – Shah Alam Highway (DASH) at a total construction cost of RM4.2 billion;

Fourth: Construction of the 36-km Eastern Klang Valley Expressway (EKVE) at a total construction cost of RM1.6 billion;

Fifth: Upgrading the East Coast railway line along Gemas – Mentakab, Jerantut – Sungai Yu and Gua Musang – Tumpat with an allocation of RM150 million;

Sixth: Construction of the 56-km Second MRT Line from Selayang to Putrajaya at an estimated cost of RM23 billion; and

Seventh: LRT 3 Project, which will link Bandar Utama to Shah Alam and Klang, at an estimated cost of RM9 billion, will be implemented.

The insincerity of the PM and the federal government in not allocating and prioritizing the Pan Borneo Highway only reinforces the fact that the federal government treat Sabah and Sarawak as colonies and do not bother about the promises of development given at the formation of Malaysia.

The PM speaks with a forked tongue when he says that the government is concerned and gives importance to the development and improving the welfare of the rakyat in Sabah and Sarawak in the national development agenda but gives no priority to the Highway while approving 4 highways in Malaya at the total costs of RM16.1 billion in 2015.

On the next day, the federal Works confirms that there is no budget for the Highway which will take 11 years to complete in 2025.   At the same function, the insincerity of the federal government is further affirmed when Malacca is allocated RM500 million to construct several roads as well as two flyovers to address traffic congestion in the state.

It racks of double standards when Malacca is allocated RM500 million but Sabah and Sarawak has to share RM943 million for construction of rural roads with the other 11 States in Malaya in Budget 2015.

Reliable sources indicate that while there is no allocation for the Pan Borneo Highway, the Sarawak government has put its foot down and insisted that the federal government provide the financial resources for a Sarawak consortium decided by the Sarawak government to build the Sarawak portion of the Highway measuring 936 km.

On the other hand, the Sabah government has failed to adopt a similar stand and is allowing an Umno-led consortium to build the Sabah portion of the Highway measuring 727 km. with Malayan companies dominating construction and Sabah companies only get a maximum 50% sub-contract works.  This is totally unacceptable.

Both the Sabah and Sarawak governments should stand firm and insist that the federal government allocate the RM27 billion immediately over the next 3 years and send the allocation to the Sabah and Sarawak governments to finance the Pan Borneo Highway and allow Sabah and Sarawak companies to do the construction works respectively.  

This way, the Highway can be completed in 3-5 years at the most not 2025 if left to the federal government. It is a shame that work has not even started after 51 years of forming Malaysia.

After all, for 2014, Sabah and Sarawak are expected to contribute RM28 billion and RM55 billion in oil revenues to Petronas and the federal government.  The figures are likely to increase in 2015 to RM40-50 billion for Sabah as the Gumust-Kakap oilfield has just started production of up to 135,000 barrels per day and gas production commencing next year with another RM60 billion for Sarawak.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
President Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
12 October 2014

Patrol Boat Incident Poses Question over Naval Readiness to Protect Sabah – Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU:    “The “lost and found” incident of the naval patrol boat CB204 clearly uncovers the non-readiness and unpreparedness of the Malaysian navy to protect Sabah and Sarawak in the event of any security threat.   It is a blessing in disguise and should serve as a wake-up call to the federal government to re-assess its commitment to protect Sabah and Sarawak” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief in commenting on the patrol boat incident which was found after some 30 hours of loss of contact and with its 7-man crew already starving.

Many questions are raised that shows that the navy may not be prepared in any security incident or skirmish with non-friendly or enemy intruders.

The mechanical break-down, communication break-down with difference in frequencies and subsequent loss of communication and the 30-hours search raises red-flags and caution. The search would definitely have taken long if not for a oil-production platform, “ERB West Oil Rig, located nine nautical miles northeast from Pulau Mengalum, that sighted the stranded boat and sounded the authorities. 

The navy ought to thank Sabah state for having oil resources for this fortunate turn of event. If not, the patrol boat may not be found or heaven forbid if found another day or two later, what could have happened to the crew that were already starving the death?

At the readiness level, the naval vessel is obviously not battle-ready.  It is unbelievable that the vessel carried little or no rations that could not have lasted for more than a few hours since the crew were already starving when found.  A week’s ration for 7-man for 7-days of 196 packets assuming 4-meals a day could not have been more than 2 carton boxes.

One wonders whether they had sufficient supplies of ammunitions for a week or for a few hours if they were to encounter intruders.   It could not have been more than a few hours if the lack of food rations is any indication.   How to fight for a week with a week’s ammunitions if the food is only for a few hours?

The unpreparedness for battle shows that the federal government is hypocritical in its attitude towards the security Sabah.  They need to be constantly be reminded that Sabah and Sarawak agreed to the formation of Malaysia on the twin pillars and promises of security and development.  It looks like the federal government has failed on both counts.

Only weeks ago, the Defence Minister himself said that IS militants were ready to invade Sabah and create an Islamic caliphate, yet this warning has not reached his navy to be ready for battle when IS invades.  Unless of course, the Minister is lying to frighten Sabahans.

For the Sabah government, the incident and the IS threat should wake them up and be prepared to take action to safeguard Sabah.  They should consider setting up Sabah’s own security forces to complement the federal security teams as the government of Malaysia has shown that it is unable to effectively protect Sabah.
It needs no reminding that the Sabah Border Scouts served with distinction during World War 2 with the allied forces from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and others.   Such is the make-up of Sabahans if they are indeed called upon to defend their homeland.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
President BHF
09 October 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sabah Should Formalize Setting Up Homeland Security - Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “The Sabah and Federal governments should consider setting up a full-fledged Sabah Homeland Security Ministry as a long term security mechanism instead of relying on an ad-hoc piecemeal arrangement reacting only to  events such as kidnappings and foreign intrusion as and when they occur” said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of Star Sabah, who is also the assemblyman for Bingkor.

“This proposed mechanism is important in view of the repeated cross-border kidnappings and insecurity in Sabah and the repeated failures of the federal government in looking after Sabah’s security” he said.
Dr. Jeffrey said, ”the problem and root-cause of insecurity in Sabah is the result of our own Malaysian leaders’ stupidity  -  the giving of Mykads to unqualified illegal immigrants for political expediency and the supporting of rebels and insurgency in the Southern Philippines in the name of religion”. 

Now, would-be-kidnappers, who may well be "Malaysians" operating within our borders, can easily collaborate with their countrymen outside our borders.  They are familiar with our borders and the loopholes to our security system.

They probably have better intelligence than our own security.  Does our intelligence know who their next targets are?

These fake Malaysians holding themselves out as Sabahans have been proven on numerous occasions, of Indonesians employed as security guards, one even shot dead a bank officer, and of Pakistani taxi drivers holding fake ICs as Sabahans.  These are probably the tip of the iceberg as testified in the RCI hearings of dubious ICs even being delivered to foreigners and as many as 1.5 million dubious ICs given to foreigners.
As the federal government has failed to keep Sabah safe as promised during the formation of Malaysia,  and the more recent promises by the Prime Minister, his cousin Defence Minister and the Home Minister as well as the establishment of the now proven ineffective ESSCOM, the Sabah government should seriously consider establishing its own Homeland Security Agency to complement and supplement the shortcomings of the federal security. 

This Homeland Security should take charge of Sabah Immigration,  Sabah national registration,  State police and labour including foreign workers.

With the purported good federal-state relations existing between Sabah and the federal government. as claimed by Musa, I am sure that this Sabah Homeland security mechanism can easily be worked out” said Dr Jeffrey.

The recent kidnappings especially of foreign tourists which can seriously harm the Sabah economy and livelihood of genuine Sabahans has shown that the time has come for Sabah and Sabahans to take control of their own sovereignty, autonomy and complement security in Sabah.  The establishment of the Ministry of Homeland Security, Immigration and Registration is now timely.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Borneo Heritage Foundation
09 May 2014

Take RM15.4 million repairs allocation in right perspective –Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “Sabahans should stopped from being fooled and hoodwinked by the federal government and take the RM15.4 million allocation for repairs of schools in the right perspective” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on the Chief Minister’s announcement that RM15.4 million has been received to repair schools in Sabah.

In case everyone including the Chief Minister has forgotten, the Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister had promised verbally in February 2014 that RM1.0 billion was allocated to rebuild and repair 600 odd schools in Sabah and Sarawak.

The RM15.4 million is an affront and a slap in the face of Sabahan education.  It is not even enough to repair the many schools that were damaged by the last floods let alone rebuild the several schools that were razed to the ground in the past few months alone.  

What more to repair the 640 schools in Sabah which the Chief Minister had stated were in poor condition?

If the federal government and the Deputy Prime Minister was sincere on the RM1.0 billion allocation, RM500 million would have been sent to the Chief Minister for school repairs, not just RM15.4 million.  There would have been no necessity for the CM to reiterate that the Sabah government will continue to request for additional allocations from the federal government to repair other schools that were in need of maintenance.

“In February, it was highlighted that the verbal promise of RM1.0 billion should be sent immediately or at least put into writing.   It is now proven once again that the verbal promises by federal leaders are worthless and made recklessly without taking into consideration the feelings of the people in Sabah and Sarawak, who are equal partners to Malaya in the formation of Malaysia” added Dr. Jeffrey. 

The DPM may now find himself helpless to honour his RM1.0 billion promise since the funds come from the Finance Ministry which is controlled by the PM cum Finance Minister.

It appears that the people of Sabah and Sarawak have been waiting in vain on the transfer of the RM1.0 billion allocation to the Sabah and Sarawak governments.   It is another broken promise to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

Considering the efforts of the teachers in Sabah and Sarawak and the trying environment and dilapidated schools, the federal government should pay these teachers a monthly hardship allowance in recognition of their sacrifices for teaching in Sabah and Sarawak.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
01 June 2014

Follow Sarawak's UCTS Initiative–Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:     “The Sabah Government need to sit up and take pro-active action to set up its own Sabah State University following Sarawak Government’s initiative in setting up the University College of Technology Sarawak (UCTS)”said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, commenting on Sarawak’s additional RM64 million infrastructure allocation to set up an IT library, indoor stadium and science and technology park in UCTS campus in Sibu.

The Sarawak government needs to be commended for taking the bull by its horns and stepping up by establishing its own tertiary institution and not waiting for the federal government to return the education portfolio to State control.

The UCTS comes after Sarawak’s own technical institutes to better prepare young Sarawakians with better vocational and technical skills.  It’s the implementation of the philosophy of teaching one how to fish rather than giving a fish.   

There is no higher price and no greater sacrifice that ensuring that young Malaysians receive the best education possible. Education equips them with a lifelong knowledge.

But, what is more important is that the Sarawak government is taking charge of educational institutions free from interference by the federal government and Malay and Malayan-centric policies.

At the same time, the Sarawak government can ensure that Sarawakians especially their natives are not deprived of educational scholarships and opportunities that are denied them by the federal            “1-melayu” policies that should have no place in the Borneo States where local natives should be given priority.

Despite wanton lies by Ministers and the federal government that the Malaysian education system is one of the best in the world, the failures of the system are evident everywhere.   Malaysian students are faring worse than many third world countries judging from recent PISA resultswhere Malaysia was ranked No. 52 out of the 65 countries polled.

As highlighted by the recently released World Bank Report on education in Malaysia, the over-emphasis and centralized control of education had resulted in a decline in education standards caused by bottlenecks and bureaucracy.   

To arrest the falling standards and the decadence of education in Sabah and Sarawak, the Sabah and Sarawak governments need to take back education under their wings before it is too late.  There is also a need to localize due to differences and unsuitability of curriculum due to local circumstances.   For instance, bajau, kadazandusun and many local mother tongues are spoken in Sabah but not in the Peninsula.

Judging from the Sarawak government’s initiatives, the Sabah government and their leaders have much to learn from their counterparts in Sarawak.   Perhaps, the Sabah government leaders should attend refresher courses in Sarawak to better administer Sabah.

The education of the young Sabahans are too important and the Sabah government should not allow education should not be used as a political tool by the federal government nor manipulated or used to deprive deserving Sabahans from proper educational opportunities.

The Sabah government need to adopt a holistic approach to safeguard the young in Sabah do not fall victims to a declining education system in Malaysia.    For a start, the Sabah government can takeover some of the existing polytechnics and universities as well as to upgrade the Timbang Menggaris Agriculture Institute to be the Sabah Agro-forestry University and produce skilled agro-entrepreneurs and skilled graduates.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
03 June 2014

Najib on Sarawak's Oil Stand Shames Sabah BN Leaders–Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:    “The impromptu response by PM Najib that the federal government will give utmost consideration to Sarawak’s request for higher oil and gas royalties certainly has shamed the Sabah Government and BN leaders and put them in a bad light” said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Sabah STAR Chief, in responding to PM Najib’s reply to CM Adenan’s speech on Sarawak seeking higher royalties.

While CM Adenan’s speech may not be off the cuff given that the Sarawak legislative assembly had adopted the motion unanimously to seek higher oil royalties, it was nonetheless very significant and important that Adenan had taken the occasion of Najib’s presence at the Malaysia Gawai Dayak Open House in Miri to make the request.

Adenan’s request certainly has no parallel in Sabah where the Sabah government and its BN leaders have been muted in their stand on higher oil royalties.   

Sabah Umno leaders were no were to be seen or heard on Sabah’s oil and gas rights.   Some of the other component parties had to resort to getting their youth wings to make a stand while their senior leaders were dumbfounded by the common people’s stand that Sabah should be given higher royalties if not taking back the full ownership rights.

At the legislative assembly level, it was a no-contest between Sabah and Sarawak.  The Sarawak lawmakers had made an unequivocal and clear-cut 71-0 demand for higher royalties.  On the Sabah front, a motion to debate on Sabah’s oil rights and royalties were flatly rejected and added with an emotional charade by the CM.

“With this latest development and assurance by the PM, the Sabah government and its leaders should re-assess their position and make a positive stand and at least demand for higher royalties if not for return of the oil ownership rights as well as shares in Petronas” suggested Dr. Jeffrey.

“After all, they have been boasting of and harping on the good and cordial relationship with the federal government” added Dr. Jeffrey.

These Sabah leaders should shed their vested interests and look after Sabah’s and Sabahans’ rights, interest and welfare.  They should not take Sabahans for granted any longer.

They should demand for Sabah’s oil rights for the benefit of all Sabahans, including those yet-born even if it means losing their high positions.   By not doing so, it can only mean that the good relations do not exist except in their imagination.

The Chief Minister and the Sabah government should start representing the people of Sabah as true elected representatives.   As the Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman should give priority to the interests of Sabah and not the interests of Umno.   He should not be trapped in the mindset as a Umno representative but rather as the leader of all Sabahans and looking after the larger interests of all Sabahans, not Umno’s interests.

Perhaps, the Chief Minister of Sabah can go one up on his counterpart in Sarawak by seeking for shares in Petronas for Sabah and all the oil-producing States.   It is not wrong for the Chief Minister and the Sabah government to demand for ownership of Petronas.

“How wonderful it would be for Sabah if all Sabah BN leaders, at all levels, were to make a similar stand to ask for higher oil royalties and shares in Petronas and show that they are also true patriots of Sabah and not meek leaders and stooges of Kuala Lumpur” wished Dr. Jeffrey.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
03 June 2014

Take 95% Shares But Oil Belongs to Sabah–Dr. Jeffrey

Kota Kinabalu:   “The Sabah Government should stop playing hide and seek with Sabah’s oil and gas resources and the Chief Minister should make a clear stand of the government’s intention.   Getting connected bloggers to test the water with speculations is not proper and transparent governance”, said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, Sabah STAR Chief, when commenting on the speculations of the Chief Minister intending to seek shares in Petronas for Sabah’s oil and gas resources rather than increasing “Oil Royalties”.

The federal and Sabah governments should realize that they cannot take the people for granted and that they can no longer fool Sabahans and Sarawakians that the oil and gas resources belonged to Petronas and the federal government.

It was daylight robbery when on 26 March 1975, the late Tun Abdul Razak signed the Vesting Order under the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 vesting all of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources in Petronas when he had no legal power or authority to do so.

The federal Parliament had no business and no jurisdiction to legislate and pass the PDA when it was clear that land and mineral resources including petroleum and gas remained under the State List in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution.

UnderSection 24 of the Land Ordinance (Sabah Cap. 68), the petroleum and gas resources belonged to the Sabah government.

It was under dubious circumstances the then Chief Minister of Sabah signed the Oil Agreement on 14 June 1976 agreeing to accept 5% cash payment for the oil and gas resources from Sabah and further agreeing to waive all collections of royalties payable to the Sabah government under Section 24 of the Land Ordinance.   

The 1976 Oil Agreement was signed without any discussion and mandate from the State Legislative Assembly as the resources belongedto the Sabah government and NOT to the Chief Minister.

The Chief Minister and the Sabah government are missing the point by looking at the oil royalty and rhetorically speaking of asking for an increase and at the same time boasting of how good their relationship with the federal government and federal leaders are.

If indeed the good relations exist, the federal government would have increased the “oil royalty” or cash payment a long time ago and not for the Sabah Umno leaders to keep harping on it.

If the good relations does exist, it should be proven by the readiness of both federal and State government to review the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and to discuss the restoration of oil ownership.

“The good relations just does not exist.  It’s a figment of these leaders’ imagination” opined Dr. Jeffrey.

At the recent sitting of the State Assembly, the police were out in full force to disrupt a group of concerned Sabah citizens from handing over a Memorandum to review the MA63 and the PDA 1974.  At my last press conference on disclosure of my Motions to review MA63 and the PDA and the Bill to amend the State Constitution to restore the TYT to Yang DiPertua Negara, a Special Branch team were in attendance.   Surely, these actions cannot be interpreted as good relations but scare and intimidating tactics against the people of Sabah.

The Chief Minister and the Sabah government should stop misleading the people.

If they have any conscience for the plight, welfare and poverty of Sabahans, they should take immediate steps to restore and regain Sabah’s oil and gas ownership rights.

If the Sabah leaders diligently check the history of oil in Sabah and the Hansard of the State Legislative Assembly, they will find that in 1971 it was declared that the Sabah government had signed five (5) petroleum agreements with oil companies and were entitled to 12.5% in oil royalties in addition rents for the areas involved.

“It is all there for all to see.   The PDA 1974 is an unconscionable and unconstitutional piece of legislation and ought to be revoked or declared invalid.    The 1976 Oil Agreement ought to be invalidated on the ground that it was ultra vires the powers of the Chief Minister to sign it” added Dr. Jeffrey.

As for the speculation of asking for shares in Petronas, it is the legal right of the governments of the oil producing States, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak, to be entitled to full ownership of Petronas. 

“Petronas is what it is today, due to the oil and gas revenues generated from the oil producing States.  Of course, giving credit where it is due, the management of Petronas, past and present, ought to be commended for their efforts in transforming Petronas to what it is today” said Dr. Jeffrey.

If not for the oil revenues, with some 75% coming from Sabah and Sarawak, the Petronas Twin Towers and the federal administrative capital of Putrajaya would not be in existence today.

It is not wrong for the Chief Minister and the Sabah government to demand for ownership of Petronas.

“If the past history of distribution of oil revenue is any gauge, 95% of Petronas’ shareholding should be given to the oil producing States and the remaining 5% shares be given to the federal government as a gesture of goodwill by the oil producing States” concluded Dr. Jeffrey.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF)
25 April 2014